Art, Artifice & More
From Wiki: “Banksy is a pseudonymous England-based street artist, political activist, and film director whose real name and identity remain unconfirmed and the subject of speculation.” Here’s another of his works. The fish aren’t real. Photo by Henry Nicholls/AFP/Getty Images, posted at the
An angel among us. Headline from “‘Oh my goodness’: TikTokker raises $320K for Air Force veteran, 90, after he was seen pawning jewelry to care for wife with dementia.”
I’m trying to keep up with new terms. Excerpt from an NYP article by Deirdre Bardolf: “New York-adjacent singles are claiming to be Big Apple residents on their dating profiles — a sneaky trend dubbed “hoodfishing.” Weird word.
Politicians in a nutshell, NYP headline regarding Tiffany Cabal: “Socialist NYC councilwoman has amassed nearly $500 in traffic tickets despite pushing anti-car agenda: ‘Hypocrisy’.” And in the same vein, from “Harris slammed for forcing rallygoers to present ID while opposing same for voters.” Do as I say, not as I do, America. Sorry to use the cliche, but you can’t make this stuff up!
Texas Governor Abbott continues to fight back. Excerpt from an FN article by Landon Mion: “Order GA 46, issued on Thursday, directs the Texas Health and Human Services Commission to collect information on illegal immigrants who use public hospitals for inpatient and emergency care and report the healthcare costs, so the state can track how much money was spent on illegal immigrants’ medical treatment and send the bill to the Biden administration…” I doubt he will see a dime.
Moderate temperature, low humidity, cloud cover — ideal conditions for today’s session of the Anti-Inflation Book Shop. My thanks to the local super who delivered a bunch of 3D artwork, many of which sold, and to the buyers; and to Michael, who bought DVDs of Woody Allen’s Hollywood Ending (2002) and 25 Years of Improv Comedy (2005); and to the woman who purchased a Kenny Chesney CD; and to the young man who took home CDs by Public Enemy and Sade. Not one book sold, despite an impressive array of titles.
I believe this was the inspiration for one of the 3D images. It’s described as HD phone wallpaper at website Peakpx:
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