Beans & More
Bean counters rejoice. Headline from “Omar takes aim at Crenshaw’s high-earning district after Republican supports election security bills.” According to the accompanying article by Morgan Phillips, Squad member Omar’s Minnesota district is 62.7% White non-Hispanic, while Crenshaw’s Texas district is 46.3% White non-Hispanic — not even close! The stupidity of American politics must be at an all-time high. It’s hard to imagine any other era had been this ludicrous.
Another FN headline: “Gubernatorial candidate Caitlyn Jenner says she would cut the salaries of CA politicians in half.” She’d get my vote, even though she’d have almost zero chance of getting it done.
Good news on the economic front. First quarter GDP growth was 6.4%.
Hackers had some fun with this Florida road sign:
Today’s session of the floating book shop began and ended with a sale of pamphlets on Russian-English grammar instruction. My thanks to the buyers and to the gentleman who parked at the bus stop and unloaded about 50 books, an almost equal split between the two most common languages in the area, and to my constant benefactress, who delivered five. It seemed sales would be disappointing until I began breaking down the display, when a gentleman bought the huge The Movie Book pictorial, The Ten Commandments (1956) on DVD, a collection of Ernest Hemingway short stories, and a couple of other books. He was followed by another man who took home three books in Russian. Earlier, Ira purchased Life: Heaven on Earth: 100 Places to See in Your Lifetime, and another guy selected a book in Russian. The weather remains eerily perfect.
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