Big News
This headline was at “Early birds have more sex, make more money and sleep better than night owls, study finds.” Obviously, I wasn’t part of the survey.
Harper Buckley came into the world at 15-pound-5-ounces, the biggest baby ever at an upstate NY hospital. Mother and child are fine. Joy Buckley described giving birth to her daughter: “I felt like I was hit by two tractor-trailers. It was pretty violent.” Welcome to the great adventure, little big one.
Here’s the final part of President Trump’s accomplishments as listed at the WOR web page of Mark Simone, edited by yours truly:
Completed the Department of Defense’s first ever audit.
Implemented a five-year ban on lobbying for White House employees and a lifetime ban on lobbying for foreign countries.
Has donated his salary.
Appointed judges who will follow the Constitution as written.
Appointed Circuit Court judges at a record pace.
Appointed Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.
The latest polls reflect a favorable bump for Trump’s policies. Is the tide turning? Liberal icon Ted Koppel had this to say: “The New York Times, Washington Post ‘decided as organizations’ that Trump is bad for United States.”
The last day of winter was kind to the floating book shop. The weather was great, and business was good. My thanks to Sasha’s grandma, who bought a book on Van Gogh’s writings and a beautifully illustrated self help booklet; and to the young woman who purchased Daughters of the Winter Queen: Four Remarkable Sisters, the Crown of Bohemia, and the Enduring Legacy of Mary, Queen of Scots by Nancy Goldstone; and to the young Asian woman who selected three textbooks on the humanities; and to Steve, aka Mr. Conspiracy, who chose Rousseau’s On The Social Contract and Discourse on the Origin of Inequality; and to the couple who went for three brainy works of non-fiction; and to the young gentleman who went to town, buying The Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe, Stephen King’s Four Past Midnight, a ‘70’s sci-fi collection titled Orbit, In the Hand of Dante by Nick Tosches, and three other books. And to think I was pissed that parking wasn’t available at my regular nook.
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