Coast to Coast
Good news from an article at “Overall, the nation’s infection rate this week rose 1%, the smallest increase since March.”… Here’s a headline from NYP that will have criminals rejoicing: “Amazon bans police from using its facial recognition technology for a year.” … Here’s one certain to bridge the racial divide: “Protesters in Virginia behead Confederate monument statues.”… I wonder if they would do the same to real people — if they could get away with it.
From an article at “Boston’s Berklee College of Music is now apologizing for ‘perpetuating feelings of oppression, silencing, and marginalization’ by allowing the city’s police officers to use its bathrooms.” I know it’s becoming a worn out cliche, but you can’t make this stuff up.
It’s a great day for the left, the DJI down 1861. And protesters have set up an autonomous zone in Seattle. Fine, fence it off and let’s see if they can manage autonomy. My gut tells me they want a violent confrontation. Don’t give it to them. (I tried to upload a picture of one of the barriers, but the site took it down, saying there was a problem with it. It was only a sign. No armed thug was shown. It is amazing how much kowtowing is happening. I’ll try one of a city map that shows the area that has been taken over.)
RIP Claudell Washington, 65, who succumbed to prostate cancer. He didn’t play high school baseball, opting for basketball and track, but an eagle-eyed scout spotted him in a pickup game. A two-time All-Star, he spent 17 seasons in MLB from 1974–1990. He played 73 games as a rookie as the A’s won the World Series. He played for seven different teams, including the Mets and Yankees, batted .278, slugged 164 homers and had 312 stolen bases. Well done, sir.
And now for a breath of sanity: Welcome back PGA.
Ready or not, I’ve ordered a proof copy of the novella on which I’ve been working. Although it is only a bit more than a hundred pages, it would be very surprising if it didn’t need any corrections.
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