Friday night’s movie fix was unsatisfying, as I was unable to find a close caption option on the DVD. Moonrise Kingdom (2012) is another of Wes Anderson’s trips to the gentle far side. I was able to follow the story line, but the verbal nuances were almost totally lost to me. It’s the tale of young oddballs, a male and female, early teens, who hit it off. The setting is rural New England sometime in the 1960's. He is in a sort of Boy Scout camp, she a resident of the town. They run away together, and comical hot pursuit begins. This was the debut of both Jared Gilman and Kara Hayward, who have since added a host of credits to their resumes. They are terrific, the latter perfectly capturing the dead pan look so often seen in Anderson fare. The film contains the quirks expected of his work, and the cinematography and color schemes match his other efforts, this one often using a sepia tone. No one uses color more skillfully and beautifully as Anderson. One could only hope to do it as well. The supporting cast features several of his mainstays and other popular actors: Bruce Willis, Edward Norton, Bill Murray, Frances McDormand, Jason Schwartzman, Tilda Swinton, Bob Balaban, and Harvey Keitel, who is a sight to behold in a scout uniform. Anderson collaborated on the screenplay with France’s Roman Coppola, who has directed scores of music videos. The cinematography was done by Robert D. Yeoman, who was nominated for an Oscar for Anderson’s The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014). 349,000+ users at IMDb have rated Moonrise Kingdom, forging to a consensus of 7.8 on a scale of ten. It is for fans of the artist and those who enjoy quirkiness. There is an element some may find creepy. Made on a budget estimated at $16 million, it returned $68 million worldwide. Add streaming revenue and DVD sales and rentals, and wow! It runs just 94 minutes, another plus. Here are Hayward and Gilman in character:
Seems like I surrendered too easily to the weather. Gloomy day, but I probably could have got some time in at the floating book shop. Oh well.
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