Will there be a more amusing headline today than this from “Golden Globes admits it has no black voters amid shocking snubs.” What happened to Hollywood woke?
From an article at NYP by Hannah Frishberg, edited by yours truly: “NYU Langone Health’s Department of Psychiatry plans to establish a Center for Psychedelic Medicine that will support research on treating addiction, chronic pain, opioid addiction and ‘existential distress’ — among other physical and emotional maladies — using psychedelics.” Think of the marketing possibilities using solid gold rock music: Jimi Hendrix’s Purple Haze, Kenny Rogers and the First Edition’s Just Dropped in to See What My Condition Was in, Donovan’s Mellow Yellow, the Beatles’ Strawberry Fields Forever, The Amboy Dukes’ Journey to the Center of the Mind, the Byrds’ Eight Miles High. I would have included Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds but John Lennon claimed it’s not about LSD but the title of a drawing his son did, which I believe because it sounds exactly like something a kid would say. And Jefferson Airplane’s White Rabbit, great as it is, would be too scary for such a campaign.
Also from NYP, an interesting development in the financial world detailed in an article by Noah Manskar. Tesla’s stock has dropped considerably the past four days. The decline is believed to be tied to CEO Elon Musk’s large investment in Bitcoin. Is the cryptocurrency fool’s gold?
In an NYP op-ed piece on the politics of Democrats, Michael Goodwin includes this great quote from Lily Tomlin: “No matter how cynical you become, it’s never enough to keep up.” Since the comedienne has been so guarded about her privacy into her now golden years, one cannot determine if she would object to her words being used against leftists, although I’d bet she’s as liberal as most of Hollywood.
Finally a day of golden sunshine and spring-like temperature. My thanks to the elderly woman who did a swap and buy of Russian books, and to the lovely young Asian who gave me two tangerines as thanks for keeping an eye on her shopping bags while she headed to the mailbox I’d pointed out at the corner of Bay Parkway where legendary Bensonhurst fixture Vinnie sang and played his two-string guitar.
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