Good Junk, Bad Junk
Here’s reason to celebrate — it’s National Junk Food Day — hurrah!
Maybe the world’s coming to end, headline from “Washington Post columnist sides with critics of top White House COVID doctor.” Pass the smelling salt, I’m feeling faint. I’m sure social media trolls will be kind to him.
This dude casually strolled out of an L.A. TJ Maxx after hitting the self service section:
Satisfying headline from FN: “Minneapolis business owner who went viral for cheering rioters has van stolen.” And another: “Would-be robbers shot by armed shoppers in Los Angeles.”
Snippet from FN article attributed to staff: “Last year, worst ratings of all time for the NBA. This year, second worst ratings all time. It’s not a coincidence. They went political.”
Sad but true headline from FN: “Texas Dems met with love fest from liberal media — imagine the freakout if they were Republicans.” Six have tested positive for Covid.
Since the forecast called for thundershowers and I expected to close the floating book shop early, I put out only 20% or so of the wares. I got in a half hour short of a full session. The sprinkles, wind and rumbles of thunder were a false alarm as, three hours later, it has yet to rain. My thanks to the gentleman who bought five kids DVDs, and to The Quiet Man, who purchased two of same; and to Lou, who took home a bootleg of Taken 2 (2012); and to the woman who chose a paperback in Russian.
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