
vic fortezza
3 min readAug 22, 2022

I just finished Guys Write for Guys Read: Boys’ Favorite Authors Write About Being Boys. It is presented by Jon Scieszka, a successful author of children’s books who contributes two pieces himself, one the amusing Brothers, he being one of six. Designed to draw young males to books, the pieces, most less than three pages of non-fiction, recount incidents in the contributors’ lives. Of the more than 90, I was indifferent to all but a few. My Maturity, in Flames by M.T. Anderson is an outstanding portrayal of anxiety. Heartbeat by David Yoo is a lively tale of a thin though athletic teen whose warp speed metabolism won’t allow him to gain weight, and the methods he tries to solve the problem. The collection contains pieces from highly successful authors such as Stephen King and Neil Gaiman. The aspect I enjoyed most are the illustrations, many done by the writers themselves. The 272 pages read like considerably less. The writing is first rate for the most part. I simply wasn’t intrigued by the subject matter, but many disagree. 89 users at Amazon have rated Guys Write…, forging to a consensus of 4.5 on a scale of five. There are at least seven books in the series. Born in Michigan, Scieska, 67, now lives in Brooklyn. Kudos, sir.

Headline from “Report: Nearly 5M Migrants Have Crossed Southern Border During Biden Tenure.” And, according to a editorial, Quid Pro Joe has stuck taxpayers with a bill for close to half a million for a security fence around his Delaware beach house. Memo to Governor Abbott: Sounds like a good place to send the next bus load of immigrants who crossed the Texas border… In a similar vein, headline from NYP: “Steven Spielberg’s private jet has burned $116K worth of jet fuel in two months.” Do as I say not as I do.

It was a big hit from the car repair shop: $1138, by far my highest ever. It would have been worse, as there is now a 4% surcharge on credit card payments. I used my debit card, saving $42, a pyrrhic victory. After an annoying traffic-snarled, lack of parking trek to pick up my laundry at the old house, the prime parking spot in terms of the floating book shop was open when I got home — hallelujah! As I pulled up there was a load pop as I crushed a bottle. Although I expected the worse, given how things were going, the tire seemed fine when I checked it later. I told myself my spoiled ass needed a trial like this. My life is too easy.

New hope in brain health in this headline from “New study suggests brain-zapping cap improves short-term memory loss in older adults.” I hoped it’s soon perfected and approved, should I ever need it.

The floating book shop was open only a half hour or so today when the rain came. My thanks to the young man who bought Rediscover the Saints: Twenty-Five Questions That Will Change Your Life by Matthew Kelly, and to the woman who donated a paperback in Russian; and to the one waiting for the bus, who helped me put books back into the car. I had sense enough to set out only ten percent of the wares today.

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vic fortezza
vic fortezza

Written by vic fortezza

I was born in Brooklyn in 1950 to Sicilian immigrants. I’ve had more than 50 short stories published world wide. I have 13 books in print.

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