If the Shoe Fits
Here’s a WTF? headline from nypost.com: “Man avoids jail time after lighting wife’s leg on fire, stabbing her.” Did he tell the judge he was trying to douse the flames with the knife?
Fodder for sci-fi writers in this NYP headline: “Mysterious sounds heard underneath frozen lake in Colorado spark alien conspiracy theories.” And for thriller or horror masters: “Climber scores $84K of jewels lost in Mont Blanc plane crash.” Although it sounds like grave-robbing, the guy discovered the stuff eight years ago in a metal box, where it’d remained for 50 years since the crash in the Alps, 1/24/’66. The court decided he was entitled to half the haul.
Headline from foxnews.com: “NBA ‘begged’ Enes Freedom to take off shoes that criticized China.” It isn’t surprising that an organization that supports the Marxist BLM wants to silence the Red Menace’s critics.
Also from FN: “Fully vaccinated Saints RB Mark Ingram tests positive for COVID-19.” Same with teammate Cameron Jordan, a DE… Side bar headline: “Los Angeles school district fires hundreds of employees who refused to get vaccine.” 496 is the actual number. And the end of the pandemic is again nowhere in sight, as the numbers have gone up recently. The only positive is that Omicron seems mild.
This boat won The Yorktown Foundation’s (Virginia) annual Christmas parade, then was stripped of the title because of the political message:
An idea for a short story has come to me, based on doctor’s visits and the shots one takes at a certain age. It will be along the lines of a gentler Twilight Zone episode. I’ve already done a page and a half. I don’t expect it to be more than five. Meanwhile, I’ve learned a new word — boxty, a traditional Irish potato pancake.
Since there was no wind, I decided to open the book shop despite the lack of sunshine. I spent almost the entire session seated in the back seat of the old Hyundai, which eliminated chit-chat. I just waved to the people I recognized, which always feels silly. My thanks to Ira, the only customer of the day, who bought four Nat Geo special editions despite the fact that he didn’t seem thrilled with them. I made him an offer he couldn’t refuse. Not much, but still better than staying home the entire day.
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