In Brief
The news seems redundant today, so I ran a search on “interesting stuff.” Here’s what I found at various sources:
There’s only one letter that doesn’t appear in any U.S. state name — Q.
Firefighters use wetting agents to make water wetter.
No number before 1000 contains the letter A.
The U.S. government saved every public tweet from 2006 through 2017.
Martin Luther King Jr. got a C in public speaking at Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania.
Jogging is considered moving at less than 6 mph.
There’s a Starbucks cup in every scene of Fight Club (1999).
The liver is the only human organ capable of natural regeneration.
Neil Armstrong threatened legal action against his barber, who made an estimated $3000 by selling his famous customer’s hair. The sheared locks and the barber’s comb and scissors went on sale on Amazon in 2016 for $38,611.
In 1923, jockey Frank Hayes won a race at Belmont Park, NY. He wasn’t able to celebrate, as he’d suffered a fatal heart attack somewhere along the course.
The tallest empty building is North Korea’s “Hotel of Doom,” which stands 105 stories. Construction began in 1987 and stopped in the early 1990s due to economic depression. Efforts to complete and open it have since failed.
The floating book got off to a flying start then quickly cooled off. My thanks to the gentleman who bought two books in Russian and Isaac Asimov’s Robots and Empire, and to the other who purchased five DVDs in Russian, paying in half-dollars, which I hadn’t seen in decades. Those guys were gruff, which is how I used to picture most Russian male immigrants before I became acquainted with so many while selling books. My thanks also to the woman who selected Jeffrey Archer’s The Eleventh Commandment; and to Cabbie, who pulled his hack to the curb and handed me two paperbacks thrillers.
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