In Short
The daughter of convicted drug lord El Chapo is capitalizing on her father’s notoriety. She’s starting a fashion line bearing his image. Here’s the logo on a pair of jeans that will soon be available on the internet:
NYC mayor Red Billy’s presidential aspiration has fallen largely on deaf ears. Yesterday 120 people attended a speech he made in Nevada, considerably more than he usually draws. He has been battered in ads. One labels him a “fauxgressive.” I prefer the old standby: “Limousine Liberal.”
Nothing else in the news struck my fancy. I didn’t want to fake it, so I googled “cartoons of the day.” Here’s one that fits a blog with literary pretensions:
My thanks to the young man who bought a beautiful hardcover edition of Dracula by Bram Stoker; and to the woman who purchased Lisey’s Story by Stephen King; and to the young woman who selected a book on Zen, an illustrated version of L. Frank Baum’s The Wizard of Oz geared toward little children, and Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson.
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