In Short
Supposedly these workout pods are a big hit in California. Do these people realize push-ups, sit-ups and weights work can be done at home, and jogging outside? Just the sight of these things is depressing, at least to me.
Supreme Court chief justice John Roberts is proving Obama’s biggest supporter. The alleged conservative cast the deciding vote to keep DACA, just as he did to keep Obamacare.
2020 version of Big Brother in a headline: “TV networks hire PI to scope stars’ social media for racism.”
In response to the pandemic, NYC rents will freeze for the roughly two million residents living in regulated units for a year. Does this include those who have been working all along or have recently returned to work? What about those cheaters who have a second home elsewhere?
I’ve said it before. Trump is the most transformative president ever. The latest example is how the mainstream media is embracing a former pariah, John Bolton, who was dubbed a war monger by elites. Of course, this will reverse once he is no longer relevant to the narrative.
From an article at, edited by yours truly: Mayor Cheryl Selby of Olympia, Washington, recently said: “Let me be clear: The City of Olympia supports the peaceful protests that highlight the racial injustices black people continue to endure at the hands of police in the United States.” Olympia, she said, was “not without sin in this matter.” That was before vandals damaged her home. She now refers to the protests as “domestic terrorism.” Fortunately, no one was home when the incident occurred.
Not much action today at the floating book shop. My thanks to Herbie, who did a swap of paperbacks, and to the elderly Latina who bought yet another thriller, The Righteous Men by Sam Bourne.
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