Here’s a surprising headline from “Starbucks bans employees from wearing Black Lives Matter attire.” Will the company cave to pressure? I wrote that at seven AM or so. It’s now 10:54. Management has already capitulated… And here’s one from that will surprise no one: “Democrats cheering Black Lives Matter protests now say Trump rallies pose coronavirus risk.”… The President used a clever meme, “Jobs not mobs.” Turns out it’s from 2018, used by Republicans across the country, origin unknown. I hope they have better success with it in 2020 than they did then.
In his column today, sports media critic Phil Mushnick cites a reader who reminded him of the 1976 incident when Dodgers outfielder Rick Monday rescued an American flag from two protesters trying to burn it in the outfield of Dodgers Stadium. The reader wonders what the reaction of current America would be to such an incident. Mushnick responds that it probably would be equally divided between praise and condemnation.
Luxury watch-maker Egard has posted a two-minute youtube video defending police. It will be interesting to see if celebrities record themselves junking such watches.
Again, I don’t understand why UV products are not being manufactured and used on a grand scale. I don’t get it. What am I missing? The item below is the KAPSULE™ UV Sanitizing Wand 2.0. Manufacturers claim it kills 99.9% of pathogens in seconds. It costs $245.
I received a generic email from the host of this blog. I guess I will be its square peg, if I’m allowed to continue. Here’s an excerpt: “…Now is a time of pain, anxiety, and anger caused by anti-Black racism and police brutality. We are witnessing a growing movement striving toward racial justice. Across Medium, writers are sharing stories of their experiences, of allyship, and how to move forward toward a better reality for Black Americans.” How about finding a way to stop blacks from killing each other at an alarming rate?!
While I was hanging out at my usual book nook, sans wares, several people asked when I would reopen. I’d originally targeted July 1st. Then I moved it up to the last Monday in June. If I get an ideal parking spot, I may give it a shot on Monday, setting out only the most marketable stuff. While cleaning out the basement of our old house, I’ve set aside items that people might find valuable, including tools, two packages of adult diapers, wicker baskets and Mets memorabilia.
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