No Tricks
Headline from a editorial: “America is finally getting wise to how bad a deal college can be.” And here’s an excerpt: “The National Student Clearinghouse Research Center reports that undergrad enrollment dropped 3.2 percent last year, down 6.5 percent from two years ago — the largest decline in 50 years.”
Here I go beating a dead horse again. Excerpt from a article on climate change: “Extreme weather is not growing more common, and an ever-richer world handles it better: Natural disasters of all kinds killed roughly half a million people a year a century ago; this year it’s on track to be about 6,000.”
Another gem from the column of NYP sports media critic Phil Mushnick: “PETA wants to rename ‘bullpen’ because it’s an insult to bulls? Fine. First, how about renaming chicken coop to something more, say, socialist and egalitarian, say ‘chicken co-op’?” Kudos.
Fun NYP pic from last night’s World Series game in Atlanta:
I’m having too much fun working on a potential book file that will blend short works of fiction and non. Here’s an example of how an idea pops into a writer’s head. The other night I was watching the original version of The Fly (1958). David Hedison plays the unfortunate scientist who undergoes the horrible transformation. I recalled that he’s also in The Lost World (1960), and it triggered a memory particularly relevant to something I’d written last week. During a discussion back in the day, I said the aforementioned flick was better than Journey to the Center of the Earth (1959), and the then love of my life, Vera, said: “You think that only because it has more monsters.” She was spot on and it silenced me. I added it to the piece, providing color, showing the girl’s intelligence. It’s amazing how happy stuff like that makes me.
All the trade was in Russian today at the floating book shop. My thanks to the young man who bought three art pictorials, and to the woman who purchased a hardcover novel.
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