Not an Option
An interesting venue has opened at Industry City in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. Among the 159 items on display: New Coke, Crystal Pepsi, Google Glass and the DeLorean automobile. My books should be there. Photo from Google Images:
Here’s a short list of literary “failures”:
J.K. Rowling amassed twelve rejection slips before her first Harry Potter novel was accepted.
Stephen King’s Carrie was rejected 30 times before being picked up by Doubleday.
Dr. Seuss suffered 27 rejections before hitting it big.
Agatha Christie’s first novel was never published. Her second was repeatedly rejected before being finally published on the agreement that she change the ending.
John Le Carré’s first novel, The Spy Who Came in From the Cold, was rejected by a publisher who told the author’s agent: “You’re welcome to le Carré — he hasn’t got any future.”
A publisher said of Little Women: “Stick to your teaching, Miss Alcott. You can’t write.” How many film versions of it are there?
Headline from “California, blue states side with Mexico in lawsuit blaming gun makers for violence.” By all means, let’s not upset the cartels. Are vehicle manufacturers responsible for road accidents? This sounds like a failure of common sense.
Nice haul, no failure, for the floating book shop on this cool day. My thanks to Alice, who bought First Family by David Baldacci, and to the woman who took home Jack and Bobby, a pictorial on the Kennedy brothers; and to Romania-born artist Andu, who purchased five works of non-fiction, taking a lot of weight off my hands, and my latest, Coincidence, a novella.
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