Oh Baby
I’m not a fan of Notre Dame sports teams, but this headline from foxnews.com is a winner: “Notre Dame gives fiery defense of leprechaun mascot after survey deems it ‘offensive.’” It’s surprising in this woke age that the school doesn’t catch more heat for its nickname — The Fighting Irish.
FN headline: “Baby from cover of Nirvana’s ‘Nevermind’ sues band claiming image was child pornography.” According to the accompanying article by Jesse O’Neill, reprinted from the NY Post, Spencer Eldon was four months old when the iconic photo was taken. His parents were paid $200. The album, which pioneered Grunge, has sold more than 30 million copies. Eldon claims lifelong damage, although in 2016, at 25, he recreated the cover fully clothed to pay homage to the record. I’ve always thought the shot was creepy, but I believe the suit is frivolous, although I expect there will be a settlement that makes Eldon rich.
This may be the pic of the day. It happened in Bristol, Connecticut. I guess he/she qualifies for free shipping:
Here’s another of an animal, one who decided to bolt down an interstate in ol’ Kentucky:
Back in the doldrums today at the floating book shop. My thanks to Dave, who donated five marketable books, and to the home attendant of the surviving Braniac Brother, who delivered a beautiful pictorial; and to The Quiet Man, the session’s only customer, who bought more CDs, two by Sinatra, one each by Paul Anka and Rod Stewart, and the DVD of The Dukes of Hazzard (2005). The heat wasn’t a problem until quittin’ time when I had to leave the shade to put the stuff back into the ol’ Hyundai, which was sitting in the sun. Still, it wasn’t as brutal as I’d expected. Two more days until the heat breaks — if the forecast is correct — but who’s counting?
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