People & Places
Headline from “Mayor of Florence, Italy, shoves, curses at climate activists for vandalizing historic building.” “Che gazzo fa, cretino?” It was the 700-year-old Palazzo Vecchio. Kudos, Dario Nardella, hai fatto bene. Photo from Google Images:
Excerpt from an FN article about a Michigan college by Kristine Parks: “Grand Valley State University’s Multicultural Affairs Office lists graduation ceremonies or celebrations for Black students, Asian students, ‘Latinx’ students, Native American students, and ‘LGBTQIA+’ students next month. The university will also have a general commencement ceremony for all students.” I wonder if Theater of the Absurd is in the curriculum.
Tom Stiglich cartoon from
This looks like something out of early sci-fi flicks. It’s the Trapdoor Spider, an endangered species recently spotted in Australia, typically an inch-and-a-half long, bite not fatal but painful. Photo from GI:
This looks interesting:
It was released in December. A Mormon, Windsor was dubbed “Queen of the B’s” due to her work in film noir and monster movies. She had A list talent. She is awesome in The Narrow Margin (1952), one of the best of the genre. There are 172 titles under her name at IMDb in a career that spanned 1941-’91. She also has a significant role in Stanley Kubrick’s great crime drama, The Killing (1955). Here’s a fun quote attributed to her: “I’m 5'9” and there were two stars in my life who didn’t mind that I was taller than they — George Raft and John Garfield. Raft told me how to walk with him in a scene: We’d start off in a long shot normal, and about the time we got together in a close-up, I’d be bending my knees so I’d be shorter. I had to do a tango with Raft and I learned to dance in ballet shoes with my knees bent.” She passed a day short of her 81st birthday in 2000. Her work lives on.
Early fireworks at the floating book shop on this mild day. My thanks to those who bought, swapped and donated. Here’s what sold: Camino Winds by John Grisham, The Forgotten by David Baldacci; Booth, historical fiction by Karen Joy Fowler; Better Homes and Gardens Cooking with Cheese; The Talisman Italian Cook Book by Ada Boni; Funk and Wagnall’s Hammond World Atlas; The Bronx Zoo Book Of Wild Animals by William Bridges. I am blessed.
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