Personal Affairs
Not only is the USA dealing with enemies within, those without are busy working cold war tactics. Here are two headlines: “AG William Barr: China has launched ‘economic blitzkrieg’ to topple US” and “Vladimir Putin’s latest slimy outrage: Trying to steal COVID-19 research.” Let’s hope the fighting stays cyber.
From an article at, edited by yours truly: Two Princeton professors co-authored a column that took apart the “cancel culture” movement and said if the trend continues the mob should consider relegating the Democrat Party to “the dustbin of history.” They state Democrats were, up to the 1960s, “the party of slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, the Ku Klux Klan, lynching, poll taxes, and literacy tests for voting.” And, of course, there was FDR’s internment of the Japanese during WWII. How ‘bout “Sociocrats?”
Last night Movies!, channel 5–2 on over the air antennas in NYC, ran Decoy (1946), as part of its Thursday Night Noir series. Told largely in flashback, it is the story of a woman maddened by greed, her determination to find buried robbery money and keep it all for herself. It stars Jean Gillie, a Brit who married a Yank, Jack Bernhard, stationed in the UK during WWII. She followed him to the USA, and he directed the aforementioned flick, his first, and 12 others, none notable. His wife made only one other film in the states, The Macomber Affair (1947), based on the Hemingway short story The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber. The couple divorced that same year and Gillie returned to England, where she had appeared in 20 minor films prior to her work in America. She did not make another. Tragically, she died at 33 in 1949. Her IMDb bio states the cause as “allegedly the result of pneumonia.” Bernhard passed away at 82 in 1997. Here is Gillie:
I stepped into The Twilight Zone this morning. On Wednesday I’d booked an online appointment with an eye doctor for ten AM. I’d received confirmation and reminder emails. I showed up at 9:40. The receptionists had no record of the appointment, and tried to book me for a later date and later time. Irked, I wasn’t interested. I wondered if I’d made an error while I was researching area doctors, perhaps copying the address of someone else I’d researched — very possible at 70. No. I went to the right place. WTF? Now I think I’ve figured out what happened. The appointment was made at an independent site. Bummer. I’m out of prescription-only eye drops. Back to the drawing board.
The rain held off, so I made a few bucks on a day I’d expected to be a washout. My thanks to the young woman who overcompensated me for Stop Obsessing!: How to Overcome Your Obsessions and Compulsions by Edna B. Foa and Reid Wilson and The Prophets by Abraham J. Heschel; and to the elderly women who bought four paperback thrillers between them, two by Lisa Scottoline and Dark Debts by Karen Hall and Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell by David Michaels.
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