Persons of the Day
Love this sub-headline from “Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis plans to deport illegal migrants flown secretly into Florida from the southern border by the Biden administration to elite Democrat enclaves.” Suggestion for the first stop: Delaware, Quid Pro Joe’s front lawn.
Headline from “Progressives erupt over Elon Musk’s selection as TIME ‘Person of the Year’: ‘What an absolute disgrace’.” You would think they would forgive him for getting rich manufacturing their vaunted electric cars. I wonder if they would hate anyone who gets rich selling solar panels and windmills. What a crazy world. They’re also ticked that he gets government subsidies. I agree, end all of such, make him and everyone else who has profited return what was given. As for boondoggles like Solyndra, that’s taxpayer funds flushed down the potty.
Also from FN: “Chicago weekend gun violence includes 25 shootings, 4 murders.” And from the Twin Cities: “Minneapolis crime spills into neighboring towns, ‘under attack’ by ‘mobile’ criminals: mayor.”
From an FN article by Jon Michael Raasch & Matt Wall, edited by yours truly: “Black Lives Matter’s ‘Black Xmas’ campaign urges consumers to purchase Christmas and holiday goods only from Black vendors. Amazon, Microsoft, Intel and Airbnb have all contributed to BLM. Maybe their CEO’s should go around in black face the next couple of weeks.
After five years I finally visited the dentist. A nearby clinic was recommended by acquaintances. To my surprise, the five staffers I saw all were women. Today it was x-rays and cleaning, $160, paid by debit card. To my surprise, I have only one cavity, which I feel whenever I drink something cold. It needs root canal, $550. Since another acquaintance told me he’d recently paid $900 for the procedure, I feel I’m saving money.
Beautiful day, modest result for the floating book shop. My thanks to the gentleman who bought two Danielle Steel novels translated into Russian, and to the old-timer who bought a cook book issued by the The Ladies Home Journal; and to Wolf, who did a swap and buy of books and CDs; and to the sweet library lady volunteers, who donated three CDs.
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