
vic fortezza
3 min readApr 30, 2020

The recent revelations in the case of General Flynn, if true, arouse one thought — WTF!? Certain members of the hallowed FBI may have ruined the reputation of a career soldier to get at the president. It’s like something out of 1960’s cold war novels. Will the mainstream media be forced to report this, or will it grant the players what talk radio host Mark Simone refers to as “Democratic Immunity”? My guess is it will speak up only if President Trump pardons Flynn.

Let’s hope Dr. Fauci, who has been wrong from the start of the pandemic, is finally right about the apparent scientific breakthrough regarding a vaccine… The news that NYC’s subways will be shut down for four hours each night so cars can be cleaned is interesting. How long would it take for any one of them to be contaminated once back on line? I don’t know what the answer is other than rousting the homeless from the system, and that is only a partial solution… I wouldn’t want to be a restaurateur right now. That problem seems to have no adequate solution. How will any survive under a restricted, minimum capacity edict? They’d have to charge even more, much more, than usual… Finally, here’s a headline that brings hope: “Australian capital is free of all known coronavirus cases.”

RIP MeToo — alas, we hardly knew ye.

A third top basketball prospect has decided to forgo the NCAA’s one-and-done travesty and opt for the G-League. Kudos. May the trend continue.

How ‘bout this headline from “Chernobyl: World’s worst nuclear disaster site is growing tourist destination.” Maybe it’s the glow.

For at least a decade, perhaps even 20 years, an elderly woman has lived on the streets of Sheepshead Bay. She looks exactly the same as the day I first saw her. I’ve never heard her rant or seen her beg. Lately, she has been using the bus shelter just up the street from where I live. Here’s a pic I took at about noon:

I’ve sung the praises of Movies!, channel 5–2 on over the air antennas in NYC. Now I take it to task. For some reason its programmers have fallen in love with the Friday the 13th series, devoting the entire day to it yesterday, after back to back days of it in prime time last week. One per day is more than enough. Since I find such fare impossible to even remotely enjoy, I did a lot of channel surfing last night. A couple of times I landed at Telexitos, a Spanish station running Hard Luck (2006), starring Wesley Snipes, Mario Van Peebles and — get this — Cybill Shepherd as a serial killer, a late plot twist that occurs when the oblivious hero enters her domain. It looked like she had fun. Co-written and directed Van Peebles, the flick went straight to video. Since my grasp of Spanish has eroded to near zero, it seemed less terrible than it probably is in English. I sometimes try to watch Spanish broadcasts of the original Law & Order, but usually bail pretty fast. Between my rustiness and faulty hearing, I have trouble following the story even when concentrating intently. The antenna brings in two Ion TV stations. Unfortunately, at present neither is running any shows in prime time in which I’m interested. Fortunately, there are still many episodes of Star Trek Next Generation I haven’t seen. The Heroes and Icons channel shows an episode each of all of the first five incarnations, back to back, six nights a week. Unfortunately, I find Deep Space Nine, which airs at ten, unwatchable. PBS occasionally comes through with either an interesting mystery or documentary. This year the major networks have been disappointing, although I still enjoy Seal Team on CBS, which also airs the compelling Evil which, unfortunately, shot only 13 episodes in its inaugural season. NBC’s Manifest’s dragged out story line and segues into pure pap tested my patience. A lot of shows determined to demonstrate political correctness drove me away immediately. I was most disappointed by CBS’ FBI Most Wanted and especially PBS’ WWII epic miniseries World on Fire. Still, two years later, I don’t regret having cut the cord.

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vic fortezza
vic fortezza

Written by vic fortezza

I was born in Brooklyn in 1950 to Sicilian immigrants. I’ve had more than 50 short stories published world wide. I have 13 books in print.

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