Little Rascal Dickie Hutchins, photo from Google Images:
Look who has a Barbie doll patterned after her. Photo from GI:
The dingbat house rep who pulled a false alarm should be prosecuted and expelled, but the chances of that are slim in a place that has such low standards. Tom Stiglich cartoon:
While I agree with conservative Republicans on spending, I hate that some are jerks about it. Then again, they’re politicians, from whom one must always expect the worst.
This morning talk radio host Mark Simone, a huge Trump supporter, referred to New York’s governor as Kamala Hochul. Kudos.
Headline from “Judge orders New York to dole out nearly half a million in legal fees to NRA after Supreme Court victory.” According to the article by Brianna Herlihy: “… the Supreme Court ruled that a New York public carry licensing law was unconstitutional and that the ability to carry a pistol in public was a constitutional right guaranteed by the Second Amendment.” The money covers only one-third of the NRA’s legal fees. Still, it’s a win for advocates of the Second Amendment.
San Francisco by land and now by sea. FN headline: “‘Pirates’ strike ritzy area, setting off a brazen crime spree with ripple effects.”
FN headline: “Florida parents welcome third baby girl born on same day as their other daughters: ‘Our mouths dropped’.” What are the odds? I thought, scanning the article by Gretchen Eichenberg and discovering that, according to Guinness World Records, a Pakistani family of nine were all born on August 1st. Holy Cow! as the late Phil Rizzuto used to say.
Nice return for the floating book shop on this picture-perfect day. My thanks to those who bought, donated and swapped. Here’s what sold: 16 CDs, four DVDs; Bibi: My Story, a Netanyahu autobiography; The Negro Baseball Leagues: Tales of Umpiring Legendary Players, Breaking Barriers, and Making American History by Bob Motley, Byron Motley, et al.; a Nora Roberts translation in Russian; Black Ice by Brad Thor. I am blessed.
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