Reuters photo out of Rio:
RIP MLB stalwart Roger Craig, 93. Born in North Carolina, the eighth of ten children, he played for the Brooklyn/L.A Dodgers, Mets, Cardinals, Reds and Phillies from 1955-’66. He managed the Padres from ‘78-’79, the Giants from ‘85-’92. As a player or coach, he was part of four championships. As skipper, he led the ’89 San Francisco Giants to their first NL pennant in 27 years. He started Game Five of the ’55 World Series against the Yankees, worked six innings, gave up four hits and two runs before being relieved, and was credited with the victory. Brooklyn won the series in seven. He did not fare well in the post seasons of ’56 and ’59, although the Dodgers won the latter. For the Cardinals in Game Four of the ’64 series he worked 4+ scoreless innings in relief, striking out eight, and was credited with the win. St. Louis beat the mighty Bronx Bombers in seven. Craig was the pitching coach of the Detroit Tigers in their 1984 championship season. His win-loss record as a hurler was 74–98, ERA 3.83. He lost 46 games in the two years he spent with the fledgling Mets, completing a remarkable 27 games. Casey Stengel said: “You gotta be good to lose that many.” As a manager Craig was 738–737. Well done, Sir. Facts from Wiki, photo from Google Images:
Perhaps the most amusing headline in today’s news, from “NYC pot home delivery service taps stoners to sample and rate weed.” News about legalization has still not gotten old. Paging Cheech & Chong, photo from GI.
Excerpt from an NYP editorial on marijuana: “Legalization results in more addicts, more brain damage, and more ruined families. Its so-called benefits have not reduced crime, increased tax revenues or resulted in fewer people taking opioids and fentanyl. Regulations and heavy taxes have spawned a vast illicit market that easily undercuts the legal market.” In fairness, I know several people who have used pot for decades and none show brain damage. Maybe that’s restricted to those who binge.
Excerpt from another NYP editorial: “The Jan. 23 chokehold death in New York of Corde Scott — allegedly killed by his stepfather, Tyresse Minter, who wasn’t arrested or arraigned for months — reveals a glaring difference from the left’s response to Jordan Neely’s death on a subway. Where was AOC’s outrage when Corde Scott was killed in his Bronx home in her congressional district, and his alleged killer walked free? Why no outcry that the educational, family and mental-health services failed him — because his killer was a black ex-con and not a white ex-Marine? If there is not a single sign reading ‘Justice for Corde’ then maybe we’re doing something wrong.” I don’t recall this incident. Kudos.
Headline from “Pill Halves Death Risk in Type of Lung Cancer.” 88% were still alive five years later.
Not much action at the floating book shop on this windy and cool day. My thanks to the woman who did a swap of Russian books, and to the one who donated a puzzle book; and to The Frenchman, who settled his tab; and to Alice, who is having a colonoscopy tomorrow and bought You’ve Been Warned by James Patterson & Howard Roughan; and to the woman who purchased a large paperback in Russian; and to the female horse racing fan who jumped on Seabiscuit by Lauren Hillenbrand; and to my Constant Benefactress, who insisted on paying for Taltos by Ann Rice; and to the gentleman who took home Real Estate Investing for Dummies; and to Ira, who stopped to deliver one of his jokes. “What was the female mathematician wearing? An Alge-BRA.”
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