Bogota`, photo by Fernando Vergara/AP, posted at
Headline from “Domino’s misses sales estimates amid shift by inflation-battered consumers to value meals.” What are people supposed to do? I wonder if there’s been an increase in frozen pizza sales. I choose whichever is on sale. I don’t remember the last time I had real pizza. I’ve become a faux goombah.
Is this the alternative vehicle that will dominate the future? Photo from Google Images:
Not what I want to hear. Headline from “Over 77,000 customers’ personal information is exposed in Fidelity Investments data breach.” 25% of my money is there.
In an article about movie mistakes by Jacob Osbourne at, he points out errors in 50 famous films. I always ignore this category at IMDb, but something made me scan the piece and the following simple fact captured me. In Rear Window (1954), Scotty, a photojournalist, does not take a single picture of the crime in progress. He uses the telephoto lens simply as one does binoculars. It is one of my favorite flicks. I am mesmerized by the long stretch, perhaps 20 minutes, without dialogue where the only sounds are extraneous, including the rain. Alfred Hitchcock also did this in Psycho (1960). From the moment Norman looks through the peephole at Marion until the car disappears in the swamp, there is only “Oh, mother, blood — blood!” from Norman, Marion’s screams and the extraneous sounds. Cinema doesn’t get any better than those two segments. Photo from GI, the great Jimmy Stewart in character:
Another gorgeous day, and the Anti-Inflation Book Shop was blessed with two generous customers. My thanks to the woman who bought a pair of hardcovers by Danielle Steel, Malice and Miracle; and to Wolf, who purchased CDs by Michael Bolton and Anita Baker, Rough Justice by Lisa Scottoline and The Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors: The Extraordinary World War II Story of the U.S. Navy’s Finest Hour by James D. Hornfischer. The term applies to destroyers, which were constructed with thin steel hulls, leading them to be compared to tin cans. Fact uncovered by a Google search.
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