Saturday Showcase
I like this kid. Headline from “No place like home! I couldn’t afford my dream home — so I spent $19,000 turning my parents’ garage into a palace.” Photo from NYP:
From NYP: “Pro-Israel protesters call on ‘traitor’ Schumer to resign over ‘backstabbing’: ‘Chuck the Chuck’.” I would say Chuck the Schmuck. Will he come out of hiding and address this?
The $64,000 question, from NYP: “Just how many of Gaza’s civilians are entirely ‘innocent’?”
Among today’s many celebrations, it’s National Eat What You Want Day. How I miss those days when metabolism burned calories immediately and almost thoroughly. Any indulgence these days is a guilt trip.
It’s also Twilight Zone Day. That great show was a major influence on my literary efforts. Photo submitted for your approval from Google Images:
Last night I watched part of Nothing Sacred (1937), an engaging farce starring Hollywood legends Frederic March and Carole Lombard, aired on the CUNY channel’s City Cinematheque program. Billed 13th was a familiar face I immediately recognized from frequent appearances, 26, on The Abbott and Costello Show. I realized I’d never researched his work and didn’t even know his name. Born in NYC, Bobby Barber has 262 titles beneath his name at IMDb, almost all listed as uncredited, career spanning 1926-’62. The world-famous comedy duo “frequently used him as a form of court jester on the set of their films. It was his job to keep the energy level up through a series of pranks and practical jokes…, (he) appeared in bit parts, such as delivery boy, waiter or bellhop… often just walk-ons, sometimes just a picture of him on a wall or a wanted poster of him in a Post Office…” According to, he was also known as Robert S. Barbera. I’d suspected he might be a fellow goombah, just like another A & C alum, Joe “Bacciagalupe” Kirk, birth name Ignazio “Nat” Curcuruto. Unfortunately, I was unable to find much bio info on Barber. His wife’s name was Maxine. He passed away at 81 in ’76. Photo from GI:
Headline from “Pelosi rebuked to her face during Oxford debate after condemning Americans clouded by ‘guns, gays, God’.” The elitist fears populists.
Meanwhile in her backyard: “Liberal city’s new scheme is to serve free booze to homeless alcoholics.” This can’t possibly be true, can it?
From FN: “One day you’ll leave this earth, but your data will live on in a messy future.” At last — immortality!
Not much action at the Anti-Inflation Book Shop on this glorious day. My thanks to the three kind folks who dropped off books, and to the gentleman who bought a hardcover in Russian; and to the woman who purchased Spare, Prince Harry’s tell-all.
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