Short Stuff
There are nine documented cases of people who were born without a cerebellum, that part of the brain that aids motor skills. Most involve severely impaired children and leads to early death, but two are young adults who have only mild impairments in walking, talking and balance.
According to an article in today’s NY Post, a AAA study has found that the average monthly cost of owning a car is $773, a record. Even given the ridiculously high cost of insurance in NYC, I bring down the average considerably. My old Hyundai probably costs me less than $200 a month.
Government gangsters at work, from an article at, edited by yours truly: A mistake in calculating property taxes left an 83-year-old Michigan man’s account delinquent by just $8.41. The county seized the house and sold it. He’d bought it as investment, used it as a rental property. The case is now before the state’s Supreme Court.
And in more government shenanigans, according to an article at Yahoo News: Amtrak officials project the company will show a profit for the first time in its history in 2020. It counts more than $225 million in tax subsidies from 18 states as “passenger revenues.” The vast majority of folks who pay these subsidies never ride the trains. Just a bit of creative bookkeeping.
Here’s an interesting item I’m surprised I’ve never seen on a cop show, from Quora Digest: Police officers are trained to touch the tail light, trunk, bumper, etc. of any vehicle they approach. Fingerprints establish a physical connection between the officer and the vehicle in case a critical incident such as a shooting or crash occurs.
My thanks to the gentleman who bought a John D. McDonald mystery, and to the young mom who purchased four kids’ books for her little girl; and to young Bek, who selected First, Break All The Rules: What the World’s Greatest Managers Do Differently by Don Clifton, and In Search of Silence: Dropping the Baggage — Discovering What’s Real by Rohan Narse.
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