Short Takes
Headline from “‘Big Guy’ Joe Biden may have escaped a well-deserved impeachment, but his crimes will follow him everywhere.” Baloney. Even if he weren’t cognitively impaired, he wouldn’t give a rat’s patootie. He got away with it, plain and simple.
Ye ole Freudian slip, from NYP: “Eric Adams suffers embarrassing gaffe at DNC: ‘Sexualize and stay focused’.” It was during an interview, not speech, as he has been snubbed by his fellow travelers, denied the stage. It’s not clear what he meant to say. Maybe there was a hottie nearby. Not uncommon, not a big deal, but amusing.
What? From NYP: “Cursed! WTF?! New York ridiculously named 17th most foul-mouthed state — when we’re obviously №1.” Maryland. Hard to believe, although it is close to DC. Demand a recount.
Wow, from NYP: “‘King of chemo’: How inspirational man turned terminal brain cancer and a year left to live into 15 finished marathons.” According to the article by Alex Mitchell, 35-year-old Iain Ward, a Dublin native living in London, was diagnosed in 2019 and given five years to live. Along the way he’s raised money for research, $500,000 so far. During chemo he was actually running or cycling to the hospital seven miles away from his home. He sometimes has to slow to a walk during races, but so did I when I participated in the 1977 NYC Marathon — and I didn’t have cancer! Mega kudos, Sir. Photo from Google Images:
Oprah took her turn in the bashing of Trump last night at the DNC. That’s fine. It’s what the opposition is supposed to do, but… According to talk radio host Mark Simone, OW was the first to suggest that Trump run for president. It came during a 1988 interview. Life never ceases to fascinate. Photo from GI:
If Slick Willie is truly a moderate, as many say, why is he endorsing the most radical ticket in American history — because he was a pragmatist, not a moderate. He’s married to Hillary Clinton, for gosh sake. And why has alleged moderate Josh Shapiro done the same?
Remember the days when the National Guard service of Dan Quayle and George W. Bush was ridiculed? What changed?
Headline from “Ohio finds hundreds of noncitizens registered to vote — and some who already have.” I wonder how many haven’t been discovered.
From FN: “Famous American alcohol brand joins trend of renouncing ‘woke’ policies.” Jack Daniels. Thank you, even though I think such products are swill. Wild Cherry Pepsi for me.
Karma? From FN: “DNC delegate reportedly mugged at gunpoint by suspects in string of robberies.”
From FN: “Pro-life activist arrested for praying outside UK abortion center receives big police payout.” Equivalent of $17,000 American dollars. Shortchanged.
Another perfect day for curbside business. I had plenty of company, as a crew was tearing up Avenue Z. Surprisingly, it wasn’t a deterrent to the Anti-Inflation Book Shop, despite the racket. My thanks to the woman who donated seven books in Russian, and to the one who bought six 3D artworks of the Statue of Liberty; and to all the other kind folks who took home similar works; and to lovely Lana, who overcompensated me for The Empty Glass by J.I. Baker, a novel about the last days of Marilyn Monroe; and to The Quiet Man, who chose an animated Batman DVD and four from an SNL series — Akroyd, Belushi, Hartman, Radner; and to my Constant Benefactress, who selected Stanwyck by Axel Madsen, a bio; and to the worker who overcompensated me for a DVD package comprised of eight thrillers.
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