The Day After
I’m disappointed about being right about a red wave not occurring, but not surprised. Even though I anticipated the results, it cost me a night’s sleep and had me humming Albhy Galuten / Barry Alan’s Gibb What Kind of Fool Am I? I guess deep down I was hoping the course the country’s on could be changed, despite the fact that’s it’s been trending leftward since at least FDR. I believe I’ve recovered my sanity. I actually laughed at something during my morning walk. Since the makeup of congress has yet to be decided, and may not be until December if there is a runoff in Georgia, I’ll keep my comments short. The Fetterman win is the most painful, but there is joy in seeing media-darling-frauds Stacy Abrams and Beto O’Rourke go down in flames. The happiest people in America post-election must be Philadelphia’s criminal class.
Opening line to a editorial: “Democratic Party organizations, campaigns, and interest groups launched 120 election-related lawsuits during the 2020 election, compared to just 40 brought by Republicans…” What’s that about daring to contest an election?
According to an article at by Brooke Singman: “At this point, 216 GOP candidates that Trump endorsed won their races Tuesday night, with 19 losing to the Democrat candidate.” Wow. I’d thought it was 50–50.
Headline from FN: “Amid economic woes, NBC News reports most student loan handout recipients spending money on ‘travel,’ ‘dining’.” The news isn’t at all surprising, but the fact that it was reported by leftwing NBC is. I’m surprised they didn’t bury the story.
Back in the doldrums for the floating book shop on this beautiful fall day. My thanks to the elderly woman who did a swap of Russian titles; and to Alice, who bought Closing Time by Jim Fusilli; and to the woman who chose a large print version of two condensed novels from Select; and to Ira, who purchased this:
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