Tootsie Roll History Lesson
I watched a youtube video on the epic Korean War Battle of the Chosin Reservoir and was blown away by the following, edited by yours truly: … pallets of Tootsie Roll candies parachuted from the sky to the First Marine Division. While not ammunition, they provided nourishment for the troops, who discovered that the candy could also be used to plug bullet holes in vehicles, hoses and other equipment, sealing them as they froze, helping the men endure the sub-zero temperatures. I don’t have a Tootsie Roll too often these days, but I know that if I ever do again I will recall this great historical fact.
Not much action at the floating book shop today. My thanks to the gentleman who paid for three books in Russian with coins and a scratch off ticket, and to Bay 37th alum Lorraine, who bought Strays: The True Story of a Lost Cat, a Homeless Man, and Their Journey Across America by Britt Collins and Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson. At least it didn’t rain.
I resist the urge to pad the blog with baloney and say “That’s all, folks.”
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