Words & Pics
This may be the most amusing headline of the day, from nypost.com: “Ballots cast by the dead emerge in extremely tight Brindisi-Tenney race.” It’s upstate NY.
After surviving Corona, Jill Fiore rededicated her life to music. Last Saturday she performed a concert from the fire escape of her Lower East Side apartment. 75 people attended. One of the songs was Fleetwood Mac’s Dreams. Kudos, madam.
This NYP headline will surprise only the naive: “Hybrid cars emit way more pollution than advertised.”
Shades of 2001 A Space Odyssey (1968). This object was found in a remote region of Utah. I sense a prank:
This is Lauren Boebert, Republican congresswoman-elect from western Colorado, where she owns a gun-themed restaurant. She has asked authorities about carrying a rod on the grounds of the Capitol. Surprisingly, she wouldn’t be the only member packing. Photo from koaa.com:
Headline from foxnews.com: “Mask-wearing chocolate Santas are huge hit for Hungarian confectioner.” March of the Chocolate Soldiers.
Last night Movies!, channel 5–2 on OTA’s in NYC, ran the highly entertaining Where Eagles Dare (1968), starring Richard Burton and Clint Eastwood. In researching the film, I had no recollection of the director, Brian G. Hutton. He made only nine movies, but two were box office winners, the aforementioned and Kelly’s Heroes (1970). The others are all at least vaguely familiar. He also has 35 credits as an actor, all but one coming before his run at the helm. Curiously, according to IMDb: “In the mid-1980’s, he left showbiz for a career in real estate.” It also states: “Gave up direction in the mid-eighties and became a plumber.” He passed away at 85 in 2014.
I did a follow up eye exam this morning to see if the drops I use to ward off glaucoma are working. When my previous doctor retired and the prescription expired, I went six weeks without using them, and my numbers went up. Fortunately, they’re back down to a safe level. To my surprise, the vision in my right eye is 20–20, left 20–30 or so. The cataracts are still negligible. Best of all, I don’t have to return until May, none of the every three months annoyance my previous doctor demanded. And I learned that the inexpensive thermometer I bought recently is fine. The receptionist said my temperature was 97. It was 97.7 before I left the house.
My thanks to the kind folks who bought and donated books in English and Russian today, especially to the gentleman who went home with $20 worth. Here’s some of what sold: a history of WWII in Russian, two translations of Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series; Getting to 30: A Parent’s Guide to the 20-Something Years by Jeffrey Jensen Arnett Ph.D. and Elizabeth Fishel; In the President’s Secret Service: Behind the Scenes with Agents in the Line of Fire and the Presidents They Protect by Ronald Kessler; a collection of Su Do Ku puzzles; and In Every Generation: A PJ Library Family Haggadah.
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