Words & Pictures
There was a bit of excitement in a Greenpoint, Brooklyn bar. An opossum walked in, scaring the bejesus out of patrons. Fortunately, an Alaska native was johnny on the spot. Photo from Google Images:
Headline from nypost.com: “CREEM, America’s legendary rock magazine, relaunches after 33 years.” Quarterly, print, web. The digital archive will contain 228 issues and 69,000 photos, articles by Lester Bangs, Cameron Crowe, Patti Smith, et al. Photo from GI:
From an article by Ariel Zilber at nypost.com, edited by yours truly: A male Washington Post reporter angered a female colleague by retweeting this joke: “Every girl is bi. You just have to figure out if it’s polar or sexual.” Of course, he lost courage and apologized. In the interest of fairness, here are three jokes (more than fair) about men culled from academictips.org:
Of course women don’t work as hard as men… They get it right the first time.
What do you call a man that lost all of his intelligence? A widow.
How can you tell if a man is lying? You can see his lips moving.
Fresh take on selective outrage, headline from foxnews.com: “Democrats spend thousands to boost TX pro-life candidate despite party’s abortion stance.”
RIP Original Gerber Baby Ann Turner Cook, 95: Photo from GI:
An Australian man fought off a kangaroo that got into a tangle with his dog. Photo from GI:
A picture perfect day to sell stuff curbside. My thanks to the young woman in middle eastern garb who bought Fated by Alyson Noël, and to the middle age one who selected Night World №1: Secret Vampire; Daughters of Darkness; Spellbinder by L.J. Smith; and to the one who purchased a book and twelve DVDs in Russian, and Open Heart by Eli Wiesel.
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