Yvette & Company
RIP actress Yvette Mimieux, 80. Born in Hollywood, always a lovely presence on the big or small screen, her career spanned 1952-’92. There are 50 titles under her name ay IMDb. She mesmerized male baby boomers, including yours truly, in The Time Machine (1960). She was the lead in Three in the Attic (1968), AIP’s highest-grossing film of the decade. She was unlucky in TV series efforts, both The Most Deadly Game and Berrenger’s airing only 12 episodes. She wrote two TV movies in which she starred: Hit Lady (1974) and Obsessive Love (1984). She was later successful in business, particularly real estate. Well done, madam. Thank you.
It will be tough to find a more amusing headline today than this from nypost.com: “California town resorts to lasers to stop 1,000 pooping crows.” One resident claims it’s so bad he doesn’t go out without an umbrella. Sounds like Mel Brooks’ hilarious lampoon of Hitchcock’s The Birds (1963), High Anxiety (1977).
Curious Sicilian is now available at Amazon, paperback $6.25, Kindle $1:
Since the forecast says the temperature will not rise above 40 for the next three weeks, I savored today’s balmy session of the floating book shop. My thanks to local porter Robert and my constant benefactress, who again donated valuable titles, and to the kind folks who made purchases. Here’s what sold: two books in Russian, art pictorials on Edward Hopper and Gustav Klimt; Betty Crocker Healthy Heart Cookbook; New York City Subways by Tom Range; and the most satisfying sale of the day — Procrastination Work Book: Your Personalized Program for Breaking Free from the Patterns That Hold You Back by Bill Knaus and William J. Knaus.
Klimt, Austrian, died at 55 in 1918. His work is described as Art Nouveau, rich in symbolism, highly decorative in style, rebellion against traditional academic art. Here’s an example:
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